Australia Education costs

So you think that you want to study in Australia? One of the things that have probably come to your mind during your decision-making process is how much your education is going to cost. Thankfully, there are a lot of factors that can play into the costs of studying in Australia. Where the institution is located, whether the university is public or private, and what level of study that you are pursuing all factor into how much it’s going to cost you to attend university.

One convenient thing about being an international student that is going to Australia to study is that you can pay your tuition fees before you even start attending. This will help you with budgeting during your schooling and it can also help you with saving up money for your education before you even end up in Australia.

If you have decided that you are going to attend a university in Australia before finishing your secondary schooling degree, you could end up getting a lot of your education paid off before you step foot in the country. You may also have to pay fees related to the courses you are taking orhe degree program that you are in.

If you are looking to attend university in Australia, then here are some of the numbers that you will be looking at when looking at your educational career in the country. Note: All values are estimated using the Australian Dollar (AUD).

English Language Courses

If you are only going to Australia in order to immerse yourself in the English language or to take English classes that could lead to a level I-IV Certificate, the cost is relatively inexpensive. English language courses, on average, cost about $300/week depending on the length of the course that you are taking.

Certificate Levels I to IV, Diploma, and Advanced Diploma

All of these fall into the category of vocational training. If you are going to Australia for vocational education and/or training, you will pay anywhere from $4,000 (for a 4 to 6 month Certificate I program) to $22,000 (for a complete advanced diploma program)

Bachelor’s Degree

These degrees will vary depending on whether you go to a public university or a private university. Public universities can run anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per year; private universities can cost upwards of $33,000 per year (there are only a handful of private universities in the country, so you are more likely to be attending a public university). Much of the time, the costs related to these degrees can be taken care of through financial aid and scholarship

Master’s Degree

Most Master’s degrees average approximately $20,000 to $30,000 per year. Some Master’s programs can end up costing more than that if you go to a prestigious university or a private university. There are a lot of research scholarships and bursaries that you can obtain to decrease the cost of postgraduate education, which we explore more in our page on scholarships.

Doctoral Degree

For a basic academic doctoral degree, it will end up costing you anywhere from $14,000 to $37,000 per academic year. It can cost upwards of $40,000 plus per year if you are working on a medical degree (veterinary, dentistry, medical doctor, surgeons, etc). There are a variety of research scholarships and bursaries available to help alleviate the costs postgraduate education, which we explore more in our page on scholarships.

Overall, Australia is a bit more expensive in terms of education costs than other countries (even higher than the United States in some cases). But the good news is that there is a lot of financial aid available for international students. If the numbers still make you nervous, there are a lot of ways for you to make ends meet.

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